Blogging about Blogging

While some of you following my blog are wondering why I started a blog in the first place, well, it wasn't because I was bored.  As a matter of fact, I'm never bored. There is always something new I'm taking an interest in besides Image Studios and that is what brings me to this blog posting.  The first day back to work in 2009, I asked all employees at Image to create a blog of their own just like I'm doing. With a talented group of photographers, stylists, assistants, retouchers and support staff, I believe that we can use the power of our people to promote our business in ways we never have before.  With each person building their own blog with content that defines their personality, their art, their lives.... my hope for each of them is to become motivated and inspired while creating their blogs, with their own hope to do the same for the people that will view them.  I'm not asking you or anyone to be an open book, especially if  it's out of your comfort zone, but telling a story about something you recently learned, ate, saw, listened to, visited, purchased, photographed, cooked, built, read.. you know what I mean. People do want to know about it, whether it's your friends, family or clients. I believe as creative people in a creative industry, we have the ability to motivate and inspire as well as teach and entertain and we never stop learning.  

I started my blog with pictures as it was easy for me to do coming off of a vacation in November that is still fresh in my head.  I also took some time off over the holidays and I had an opportunity to take some pictures then as well.  In time, I'll get in a groove and add to my blog depending on what is going on in my life or the life of someone else.... with their approval of course.  ; )  

If you are an Image Employee reading this, can you please have your blog ready for viewing by the end of the day on Friday, January 23rd?  Just email the web address to me.  Blogs will be viewed and critiqued beginning January 24th through January 30th.  Please watch for comments from the critiques on your blogs.  You may be pleasantly surprised with your visitors.  The group of judges is growing fast and they are excited about the opportunity to weigh in.  Some judges will know you and some will be getting to know you for the first time.  I'll share the list of judges with you, along with their bios on January 23rd.  Judges will be looking for interesting content, creativity, passion, and design.  More info to come.......

Definition Critique - A critical review or commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature. 


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