Cocktail Twitter
Have you ever attended a large cocktail party? Of course you have! Your first big party might have been a little awkward at first. You might have noticed a lot of people looking comfortable, especially if you were a little late. At any party, you can meet all types of people. Some talk a lot about themselves, their work, their kids, and their interests, while there are some that just love to talk about everyone else. Some people really enjoy talking about what’s going on with the weather, movies, music, news, or anything "pop culture" related. There are always the people you meet that are really good listeners and they don’t say a lot at all. If they have a question, they might ask you in private instead of shouting it out in front of a group. You will always find the people that want to introduce you to their popular friends, and then there are those that have nothing but silly things to say. You know this type too, the comedian or the joke teller, with their clever and witty comments. Sure, there are the people that want to get to know you better as well as the type that quickly decides the two of you have nothing in common and they ditch you. Cocktail parties are often a place to make some really good friends and really good people that you find an opportunity to do business with. Oh, did I forget about the “Know-It-Alls”, “Debbie Downers,” “Bible Thumpers,” “Nonstop Talkers,” and the ones who just wake up happy and singing every day? If you haven’t tried twitter because you didn't quite know what it was all about, well, it really is a lot like a big cocktail party.
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